Monday, November 10, 2008

Going in a new direction

This blog has been inactive for a long time and, I have come to some very important realizations in my absence. First of all, I have accepted the absurdity of my narcissistic aims of writing an instantly-successful and widely read political blog respected in the online community by its vast and cultured subscribers... Concurrently, I pulled my head out of my ass.
Now, I still love politics - its a passion of mine, but I've realized that I am way too confused and lost right now to be trying to take a hard and fast stance on American (mis) government and preach that stance effectively to the people (especially given that I have a tendency to over-commit and I am incredibly busy all the time now with my various sundry responsibilities).
Therefore, this blog is moving in a more personal, introspective, I'm-going-to-play-armchair-philosopher-and-preach-to-you direction. You may see me talking about politics, or social commentary, or about how annoying people are and how annoyed I am. If you do, I will start to worry, because your supposed to be reading those things on my blog, not seeing me do them. So don't stalk me, just read the blog

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